Water Negotiations and Investment Planning Support- 'NIPS' Project

Training Needs Assessment

Key information on Training Needs Assessment (Task 6.1)

To determine the training needs assessment, a three-step methodology was followed.

  1. Consultation with the staff of AKUM and, through its coordination, with a working group composed by representatives of the main stakeholder institutions including AMBU, ERRU/WRA, Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy, SHUKALB, NEA, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Finance and Economy, Ministry of Tourism and Environment, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development;
    –> this consultation focused on the preliminary identification of needs in the Water SS service and gaps in their capabilities to take corrective measures (preliminary Gap Assessment),
  2. Survey with AKUM and the above Stakeholders, through a series of targeted questionnaires,
  3. Collection of Project Experts’ Opinion on Training Needs and review of the strategic documents (DSIPs, NSMS and their preliminary assessment reports),

Priorities for training needs and corresponding measures were defined based on their contribution to achieve compliance with the DW- and UWWT Directives and grouped in two priority areas:

  • Short-term measures (2023 – 2030) include most of the instuitional reform and capacity building measures, which are prerequisites for implementing capital investment measures,
  • In the medium-term (2031 – 2040), training measures will continue and in particular AKUM will need continued support in project and program management to ensure efficient implementation of all capital investment measures.


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