Water Negotiations and Investment Planning Support- 'NIPS' Project

Capacity Development Plan (CDP)

Main content and structure of the CDP (Task 6.3)

The structure of the CDP is the following:

  • Assessment of the existing situation, analysis of the role of AKUM in the Albanian Water and Waste Water required roles and functions including assessment of legal and policy gaps / barriers
  • Description of the AKUM Structure and organization,
  • Assessment of the adequacy of performance of functions and roles, including identification of causes for any gaps and needs; this, considering also the needs to respond to the reform nr. 302/22,
  • Description of measures identified to address the gaps and the needs, in terms of: training measures, instruments and tools, organigram and staff organization, internal and external mechanisms of networking and coordination
  • Cost estimation, time-plan and roadmap for the implementation of the capacity development measures.

Framework for action and guidance document

The CDP also presents a framework for action to develop the capacities of AKUM (both in terms of Staff and Institution) to fulfill their mandates to achieve fair, effectively and efficiently water supply and sanitation services and sustainable management of water resources in accordance with the Albanian legislative and Institutional framework for WSS sector.

Based on the new water law, water policy and water strategy, this framework for action is meant to guide (inter)national water sector stakeholders to develop and implement capacity development activities that contribute to efficient and sustainable performance of the WSS sector.

This document further provides a basis to monitor, and regularly update the policy and strategy on capacity development in order to coordinate and ensure complementarity of capacity development efforts.

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