Water Negotiations and Investment Planning Support- 'NIPS' Project

Project Objectives and Tasks
The purpose of the Project is:

To provide technical assistance to the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy and to the National Agency of Water Supply, Sewerage and Waste Infrastructure (AKUM) for

1. The development of key strategic documents for the water sector, and
2. Increasing their capability to implement investment policy in the water sector.

The Project supports Albania’s negotiations with the European Union in regard to Chapter 27 of the acquis. During the 30 months period of Project Phase 1 starting with 12 April 2021 the project support is structured in six tasks:

Task 1 Prepare report on agglomerations, sensitive areas and WSZ
Task 2 Prepare directive-specific implementation plans
Task 3 Prepare a national strategy for sludge management
Task 4 Prepare an investment programme for water supply and waste water
Task 5 Legal drafting to complete the transposition of relevant directives
Task 6 Development of capacity to support implementation

During the 15 months period of Project Phase 2 starting with ?? ???? 2023, the following two tasks are being implemented:

Task 7 Guidelines for Prioritisation of Investment Projects
Task 8 Support for EU Accession
Tasks related to the elaboration of the directive-specific implementation plans (DSIPs)

Tasks 1, 2 and 4 are directly interconnected with the elaboration of the directive specific implementation plans (DSIPs): Task 1: Identification of agglomerations and sensitive areas and identification of water supply zones are essential initial steps for Task 2. Task 2 is split into 2a and 2b: 2a – Designing an implementation plan for the Drinking Water Directive (DWD) 2b – Designing an implementation plan for the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (UWWTD) Task 4: The two Directive Specific Implementation Plans will be complemented with respective infrastructure investment programmes.

Tasks complementing the DSIPs

Tasks 3, 5 and 6 complement the DSIPs:

Task 3: Develop a national sludge management strategy (NSMS)

Task 5: Address the outstanding work needed to complete the transposition of the relevant legislation and

Task 6: Provide a programme to develop capacities specifically in regard to the skills needed for implementation planning.

Two complementary tasks during Project Phase 2

Task 7 – A document for prioritisation of investments had been started earlier with the World Bank’s P4R program. Now these Guidelines to be elaborated by the NIPS Project are complementary to Task 4 of this project and consider in addition all forms of capital investment funding for Wastewater and Drinking Water (an approximately Eur 4bn Portfolio)

Task 8 – This is specific and targeted technical assistance to AKUM to apply the Water NIPS project results during the EU’s negotiations process for Wastewater and Drinking Water.

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