Water Negotiations and Investment Planning Support- 'NIPS' Project

Partner Projects
Coordination with other projects

GIZ Water and Sanitation Services projects (Customer and Performance Oriented Drinking Water and Waste Water Services and Support to Water Management (IPA 2016), Component 2). These relate to the drafting of legislation, national-local level contracts, local ownership, utilities’ performance and gender promotion in the sector. We include consideration of the legislative aspects of this in the scoping of our work for Result 5.

ADA Water Resources, (EU IPA16 Support to Water Management (IPA2016), Component 1) related to implementation of the Water Framework Directive and the principles of river basin management. There is an important link between the implementation timeframes for aspects of the Water Framework Directive and recently adopted drinking water legislation in the EU. Furthermore, the timeframes for implementation of the UWWTD have a direct bearing upon the timeframes for achievement of river quality objectives. We are in dialogue with this project and aim to continue close collaboration.

KFW’s projects: EU-IPA13 (Rural Water Supply III), particularly related to equitable access to water and affordability issues and practical experience in implementation and IPA18 (Municipal Infrastructure V/ Water sector Performance and Investment Programme) as well as the Master Plan for Water Supply and Sewerage management and data. We aim to incorporate the relevant aspects of the Master Plan into our own implementation planning and investment programming activities.

SIDA’s projects: SANE27 EU Accession support project and Support to the Establishment of the Water Resources Management Agency, relating to the preparation of Albania’s Chapter 27 negotiating position and the establishment of AMBU. This has laid a legal basis for much of our work and we have planned accordingly after discussion with both the project itself and AMBU.

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