Water Negotiations and Investment Planning Support- 'NIPS' Project

Status of Task

Scope and expected result of this task

The task “Waste Water Agglomerations and Water Supply Zones” has as scope to draft a comprehensive report presenting in detail:

a) Identification and delineation of agglomerations and of sensitive areas in accordance with Council Directive 91/271/EEC concerning urban waste water treatment (UWWTD) – and

b) Identification of water supply zones in accordance with Council Directive 98/83/EC of 3 November 1998 on the quality of water intended for human consumption (DWD).

The final report resulting from this task is the essential basis for the preparation of the:

Directive-Specific Implementation Plans (Result 2),
National Sludge Management Strategy (Result 3) and
Investment Programme (Result 4)

Report delivered in December 2021 and approved in March 2022

By 21st December 2021, the project Result 1 (Prepared Report on Identified Agglomerations for Wastewater and Water Supply Zones and Sensitive Areas) has been delivered to AKUM, timely according to the planned schedule. The report consists of two volumes:

  • Agglomerations and water supply zones (Volume 1); and
  • Sensitive areas (Volume 2).

The report was received with no objection at a meeting of the Project Board on 16 March 2022.

How is this task connected with the other tasks?

With Task 2: The Task 1 report provides a complete nation wide inventory of the existing and future infrastructure for drinking water supply and for waste water collection and treatment, on the base of which Task 2 – the elaboration of “Directive Specific Implementation Plans” can then be started.

With Task 3: The identification and delineation of agglomerations and sensitive areas represents the basis for the National Sludge Management Strategy. The number and dimension of agglomerations and the special conditions imposed by the sensitive areas are directly linked to the number and capacity of the waste water treatment plants and thus to the total quantity / quality of sludge that will need to be managed.

In summary

The report has established of a definitive reference framework for all of Albania’s water sector projects to which the information and its outcomes are relevant. The approach taken to the identification of agglomerations in particular has been as rigorous as anything done to date by any of the more recent EU Member States. Consequently it provides a solid basis for negotiations and for investment programming.

The authors of this report

  • Friedrich Holzman
  • Nemanja Branislavljević
  • Enkelejda Gjinali
  • Stuart Brown

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